Hair Transplantation Surgery

By: Michelle Hudson

Proper hair transplant information is important before going for a hair transplantation surgery. Hair transplantation is the process of transplanting hair-bearing portion of the scalp onto the bald area. Recent technological advances have made the operation more convenient, affordable and effective.

Some basic hair transplant facts
Hair transplantation operation involves several steps like pre-surgery care, post-operation care.

Pre-surgery care - You are supposed to follow certain pre-operation precautionary measures. For example, you need to follow the list of dos and don’ts provided by the surgeon. These dos and don’ts include abstaining from alcohol and medicines not prescribed by the surgeon.

Post-operative care - You have to take certain precautions after the transplantation. For example, you must not expose the operated area to sunlight for some days. Shampoos and chemicals are also to be shunned.
You may experience falling of displaced hair from the recipient zone. It is a perfectly normal phenomenon.

Hair transplant cost - The hair transplant cost depends mainly on the clinic and the surgeon’s fees. The required number of grafts, that depends on the balding area size, also matters in this regard.

Hair transplantation is the most effective way to deal with pattern baldness. The process entails removal of the scalp’s hair-bearing portion and transplanting it onto the bald patch. Recent technological advances have enhanced the convenience and affordability of the surgery, making it most popular method of medical hair restoration.

Follicular unit transplantation

A discussion offering basic hair transplant information is incomplete without a special discussion on follicular unit transplantation. This process is considered the most effective among the various hair restoration methods. The surgery involves transplanting hair from the permanent zone in the back of the scalp onto the affected areas.

The donor tissue is removed in one piece to ensure that the follicular units being relocated from the scalp back are not damaged. An integral part of follicular unit transplantation is single-strip harvesting. It ensures that no damage is caused to the individual hair follicles.


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