Aquamarine > A-Z Healing Powers of Crystals

By: Jenny Lin

Agate - helps to awaken your inherent talents, increases creativity and stimulates intellectual as well as analytical abilities. This stone gives you the confidence to be the best you can be in achieving success by instilling courage and dispelling fears in the wearer.

Amber - Amber absorbs negative energies and transforms them into positive forces that stimulate the body to heal itself. It can also help counteract suicidal or depressive tendencies.

Amethyst - has the power to calm the mind and emotions, creating a sense of peace. Amethyst also stimulates the intellectual and creative side of you. Amethysts are very powerful for people who suffer sleepless nights or for those with disturbing dreams and nightmares.

Ametrine - is an extremely energetic quartz of courage and harmony that contains both Amethyst and Citrine. Ametrine expels prejudice, stimulates creativity, strengthens concentration, promotes optimism and aids thinking things through.

Aquamarine - This beautiful crystal is reputedly able to dampen fears and gives its wearer a sense of confidence. It promotes communication and helps one to express oneselves. It is beneficial to wear it to examinations or while meditating.

Aventurine – This crystal promotes clarity of mind and self confidence thus reinforces decisiveness and amplifies leadership qualities. Aventurine helps you to focus and find creative solutions when you’re feeling overwhelmed by problems.

Bloodstone - believed to have great magical and protective properties, possessing the ability to banish evil, keep out undesirable influences and dispel negativity. As its name suggests, Bloodstone is an excellent blood cleanser.

Carnelian - promotes happiness, creativity, steadfastness, confidence, courage, analytical power and assertiveness, and helps one to achieve greater success in career and personal matters.

Charoite - Charoite transmutes negativity and cleanses the aura. It bestows drive and vigor and is able to reduce stress and worry, bringing about a relaxed attitude. Charoite is also used to overcome obsessions and compulsions.

Clear Quartz - has very strong powers of protection against anyone who doesn’t mean you well. Clear Quartz is a pure and powerful energy source which has the ability to transmit and receive energy.

Garnet - is also known as the stone of health, passion and romantic love. It enhances one’s sexuality, sensuality and intimacy. Garnet also helps one to effectively deal with high stress, sadness, depression and critical situations.

Hematite - In physical healing, crystal healers credit Hematite with the ability to stimulate iron absorption, which in turn improves oxygen supply to the body and blood circulation.

Jade - is a desired stone prized for thousands of year in China for its protective powers and healing qualities. It is also said to stimulate creativity and mental agility, and enhance one’s health. Jade is regarded as a symbol of the good and the beautiful.

Jenny Lin is the author of Ideal Crystal Store, an online store offering crystal bracelets, necklaces, pendants, balls, décor.

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