The Birthstone of March - Beautiful Aquamarine

By: Martin Mallett

March Birthstone - Aquamarine

It is more common for women to be aware of their birthstone then man, purely because women tend to wear more jewelry with their birthstone it in. Even if you do know what your birthstone is it is still doubtful that you will know that the significance of your stone is.

Aquamarine is also known for being the anniversary gem for the 19th year of matrimony. You can find the majority of this gemstone in Brazil, Nigeria, and Zambia.

The name aquamarine is made by combining the Latin words water (aqua) and sea (mare). Aquamarine is clearly named for resembling the blue dark seawater. Aquamarine is made up of a blend of minerals that crystallize within the earths crust.

Aquamarine can adjust is color from a blue-green to a light blue. For a while the stones that contained green were often heat-treated to get rid of the unsightly color. Generally aquamarine gemstones are faultless.

It is said that if you dream of aquamarine that this signifies the making of new friends. Wearing aquamarine brings you adoration and affection. Giving this gemstone offers the gift of knowledge, foresight, and individual inspiration. It also symbolizes youth, fidelity, hope, and health.

When purchasing this precious gemstone be sure to buy it from a reliable source. This gem can fade upon prolonged exposure to light.

There are many people who think that aquamarine can help on the dependence of drugs, as an aid in digestion, and can be used as a remedy for swollen glands. Aquamarine is also thought to release anger and negativity and replacing it with mental peace and clarity. It is widely used as an aid in meditation and to help assist in self-expression.

It is assumed that the connection with water led to the thought that aquamarine was particularly powerful if immersed in water.


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