Favorite Blue Gemstones - Aquamarine

By Karen Lockridge

Aquamarine is also one of our most popular and best-known gemstones. The color of aquamarine is almost entirely free of inclusions. The presence of Iron gives aquamarine its clear blue color, a color which ranges from an almost indiscernible pale blue to a strong sea-blue. The more intense the color of an aquamarine, the more value is put on it. The clear blue stone reflects the pure transparency and magnificent shine of this gemstone.

For many centuries, it was believed to be a good luck charm for anyone who traveled the seas. When amulets made of this precious gem were worn, sailors believed that unmatched bravery would be instilled into their souls, giving them the power to overcome even the most powerful storm.

Brazil, was previously the world's major supplier of aquamarine, however, African nations, such as Nigeria and Madagascar, provide a greater supply of this timeless gemstone, as well as Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Its first documented use of Aquamarine was by the Greeks between 480-300 BC. They wore aquamarine amulets engraved with the god Poseidon on a chariot. During the Middle Ages, it was believed to be an antidote against poison. Fortune tellers called it the "magic mirror", and used it for telling fortune. It is said that Emperor Nero used it as an eyeglass 2,000 years ago, and much later, aquamarines were used as glasses in Germany to correct shortsightedness.

Aquamarine is said to enhance communication skills, helps one focus and obtain goals. It brings out one's spiritual path, intuition and sensitivity. The great protector for anyone who travels the seas.

Find beautiful, one-of-a-kind, handcrafted Aquamarine necklaces, earrings and bracelets at Stonehinged.com.

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