Italian Sexy Women

Alessia Marcuzzi is one of the few showgirls that is equally loved by men, for her looks, and by women, for her free and cheerful spirit. The Roman showgirl, born in 1972, has a long career behind her. Alessia has been in the last 5 years the host of the Italian Big Brother. Before that she hosted Le Iene, now replaced by Ilary Blasy, and many music programs and shows. Her almost perfect figure is the result of the hard training she underwent while practicing atlethics in her youth. Like many other colleagues, the blonde - but her real hair colour is red - bombshell has her breasts retouched by a plastic surgeon. But contrary to almost all of them, she actually asked for a reduction of her generous size. Alessia followed the path traced by many other Italian showgirls and dated for a long time on of Italian football superstars: Filippo Inzaghi. They went separate ways a few years after the birth of their son. Alessia Marcuzzi is an all around artist. She not only hosts some of the most famous Italian shows, she is also an accomplished actresses, having played in movies like "Il Mio West", with David Bowie and Harvey Keitel, and many sitcoms. She posed with few to none clothes on in many popular calendars.

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