Hard Wax Vs Soft Wax

Hard Wax Vs Soft Wax - Mode of Application
Essentially, there is no difference between hard wax and soft wax, when it comes to mode of application. Both these waxes need to be heated prior to application. However, hard wax melts at lower temperature, while soft wax needs to be heated at high temperature. The desired consistency of soft wax can only be achieved when it is heated at very high temperatures. After melting any of these waxes to the desired consistency, you can simply apply it with spatula or roller.

Hard Wax Vs Soft Wax: Waxing Mechanism
The basic difference between these two waxes lie in their curing technique. Hard wax hardens after it cures on your skin, while soft wax stays pretty much soft even after some time of application. As hard wax cures firmly on your skin, no waxing strips are required to pull it off the skin. You can simply lift it and pull it. Soft wax needs waxing strips or muslin cloth, which adheres to the wax layer and lifts it off the skin.

Hard Wax Vs Soft Wax: Comfort
Hard wax hardens around the hair and not on the skin. Whereas, soft wax sticks to the skin and hair alike. Thus, when you pull hard wax off your skin, only the hair is uprooted and not the skin. On the other hand, pulling soft wax with a waxing strip often results in pulling and stretching of the skin along with hair. Besides, hard wax does not require you to pull off from the direction opposite to hair growth, thereby making it less painful. Soft wax, however can work only when you pull the strips in the direction opposite to hair growth. This process makes it a very painful job. Hard wax hair removal products do not cause rash, redness, irritation, all of which is common with soft wax. Hard wax can be reapplied on the areas which are just waxed, whereas soft wax cannot be reapplied on these areas.

Hard Wax Vs Soft Wax: Effectiveness
Both hard wax and soft wax, essentially do the same job, that of pulling hair. However, estheticians have their own preferences when it comes to waxing hair from particular areas of body. Soft wax is very much easier to apply and less messy than hard wax. Hence, it is ideal for larger areas such as arms, legs, chest, back, etc. This makes the whole job less time consuming and much cleaner. However, sensitive areas like armpits, bikini area are better waxed using hard wax, as it is much gentler on the skin. Apart from this basic difference, the effectiveness of the wax depends upon the brand you are using. Cheap wax brands often use inferior ingredients, which eventually produce inferior results.

In short, a hard wax kit can be your best friend while removing hair from sensitive areas. During other times, you can trust your old soft wax and waxing strips. Hope this article on hard wax vs soft wax was resourceful.

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