How to Stimulate Facial Hair Growth

How to Stimulate Facial Hair Growth - Stimulate Facial Hair Growth Naturally
Natural way of stimulating hair growth includes following a healthy lifestyle and eating the right food. Certain vitamins and minerals stimulate hair growth. These include vitamin A, B1, B3, B6, B12, C etc. Thus, foods that stimulate facial hair growth are the ones which are rich in these nutrients. Proteins also stimulate facial hair growth. Moreover, taking adequate sleep is also important since your body uses the time you sleep to repair damaged cells of the body. This promotes hair growth in some way. Stress leads to weakening of hair or even delayed hair growth. Hence, try to lead a stress free life as much as possible.

Exercise to Stimulate Facial Hair Growth
Exercises are required to keep you fit, mentally and physically. Exercising improves blood circulation to various organs. As a result, when you exercise, the blood circulation to your face is promoted, which in turn stimulates facial hair growth. (If that does not happen, you'll at least achieve a lean and fit body, much to the envy of your bearded friends, with beer bellies!)

Does Shaving Stimulate Facial Hair Growth?
Now, that's a million dollar question, that unfortunately has no single answer. While there may be many men who would vouch the effectiveness of shaving to stimulate facial growth, there are these unlucky folks who shave day and night, but to no avail. Scientifically, shaving has no effect on the stimulation of hair growth, however, if you already have sparse facial hair, you might try shaving, as it creates an illusion of thick hair. Shaving is definitely not a recommended option for young boys unless they want to regret it later, when they have barbed wire like hair all over the face!

Face Cleaning to Stimulate Facial Hair Growth
Keeping your face clean and free of dirt, opens up your pores and keeps the hair follicle clear. Exfoliating your face once a while, to remove dead cells is also a good idea to stimulate facial hair growth. Also, always keep your skin moisturized so as to prevent the incidences of ingrown hair. Dry, flaky skin results in stunted hair growth.

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