I feared bug was going to kill me: Rihanna’s dad

RIHANNA'S father feared he was going to die after being struck down by a killer tropical disease.

Ronald Fenty, 57, was rushed to hospital when he was struck down by dengue fever.

Speaking as he recuperated, Ronald said: "It was horrible. I thought I was going to die." And he revealed he had no way of contacting Umbrella star Rihanna, 23 – real name Robyn – until one of his daughter's pals lent him a phone.

He said: "I was actually in a hospital ward that Robyn's friend worked in as a doctor. She offered me her BlackBerry to call Robyn. I called her and she was worried – she said, 'Daddy, what's wrong with you?'."
Despite the peril, Ronald reassured his daughter – now back in LA after a pals' holiday in Europe – that he would be fine.

He added: "Luckily I pulled through after a scary few days."

The pair were once estranged over Ronald's crack addiction but are fully reconciled.

Rihanna's half-sister Kandy – who, like Ronald, lives in the island's capital Bridgeton – said yesterday: "It was dengue fever. He was bad. We were worried."

She added: "He's a good guy. He's made mistakes like everybody does but you learn from them. He loves all his children but he's very proud of Rihanna."

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