Pop star is the sexiest woman of the year according to Esquire

Another year, another Esquire list of the sexiest women to achieve list-worthy levels of sexiness for an uninterrupted 12 months. Rihanna comes out at No. 1 in the men's mag's just-released 2011 rankings -- perhaps in part because nothing makes a magazine editor's pants feel funny like a well-timed album launch. (Talk That Talk! Buy it this November!) Or, because as Esquire so tastefully puts it in their cover story, Rihanna is, in concert, "the essence of F---."

Rihanna's sexiness, however, is no new thing — though the magazine's pictures of RiRi naked and caked in seaweed and sludge are. (New, that is. The sexiness of a pop star who looks like she was dredged from the Hudson River is debatable.)

And the singer's soundbites in the piece don't seem that fresh, either. To wit: nearly three years after the fact, she's still making headlines by talking about the ex Esquire refers to as "the asshole Chris Brown."

Rihanna, however, refers to him more favourably -- exceptionally favourably considering the infamous, face-smashing events of February 2009.

"It's incredible to see how he pulled out the way he did. Even when the world seemed like it was against him," Rihanna told Esquire of Brown's ability to bounce back following his conviction for assault. "I really like the music he's putting out. I'm a fan of his stuff. I've always been a fan."

The pop star also wishes Brown well. "I would never wish anything horrible for him. Never. I never have," she said.

Rihanna's issue of Esquire is due on newsstands Oct. 16.

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